Monday 11 August 2008

Simply Amazing

While reading one of my favourite tech sites, Gizmondo, I stumbled upon a thing of much awesomeness. I've said it before, but the internet is one truly horrible place, yet sometimes something comes along to redeem it.


Radio - House of Cards in Lego

In this YouTube link, you will see a video film clip for Radiohead's "House of Cards". The difference is that it's entirely rendered in lego blocks. I'm not 100% sure of the story behind it, but apparantly for their official film clip, the producers scanned in the lead singers face to 3D model it, or something to that effect. After doing so, they released the 3D mesh and data as an open source kind of thing so people could have a play around with it. Which is where this fellow comes in, and he realises he's able to transform the mesh into lego models, and with the magics of stop motion photography, comes up with this.

Simply breath taking.

On another note, I'm applying for a job as a reviewer for a website, and for the last week have been working on a sample review to include for my application. At this point, I've gotten a bit of feedback from friends, and it's in a pretty decent state of polish, and almost ready to be sent on its way. Hopefully by Monday evening it will be whisking its way through cyberspace, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

For those interested in seeing what I've written, I'll post it up after I hear back as to how I went. Wouldn't want to post it early and have some sneaky devil plagiarise it on me now, would I?

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