Wednesday 3 September 2008

In A World One Voice Over Legend Less...

In a sad turn of events, voice over legend Don LaFontaine, commonly known as "that voice over guy", passed away on Monday, aged 68. While you may not know him by name, you've no doubt heard him every time you've seen a film at the cinema. Sadly now, when the lights go out and the big screen comes to life, it just won't be the same without his silvery voice selling the various up and coming flicks.

Don LaFontaine Passes Away, Aged 68 (via ZGeek)

On another note, I didn't end up getting that writing job I had so dearly wished for. The three members that were chosen were either a lot more qualified than I am, or more well known. One is already a writer for another magazine, and one is famous though YouTube with his "Girlfriend Plays Team Fortress 2" videos. That being said, I humbly admit defeat to my peers, as I am still just one banana with no claim to fame. Yet. We'll see what the future holds.

As promised, in the next day or two I'll post up my sample Shadow of the Colossus review for you to take a look at.

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