Tuesday 28 October 2008


As I was going through my YouTube subscriptions tonight, I came across one video by Frezned (check out his channel here") talking about NaNoWriMo.

Now, you're probably wondering, what is NaNoWriMo? Well, beginning November 1st at midnight, the ninth NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, begins. Throughout the duration of November, interested writers are encouraged to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of the month. It works out to be about 1,667 words a day. There are no special rewards, no prizes, no publishing contracts to be had by reaching that goal of 50,000 words. It's simply an effort to gets your creative juices flowing.

NaNoWriMo began in 1999, with about 21 people participating. Of those 21, six people "won". Each year the amount of participants has grown, up to last year, where 101,510 people registered, and 15,333 people won. Winning is simply done by successfully reaching the target of 50,000 words. No real amount of fame of prestige will come your way from getting there, except the knowledge you've stuck it out and gotten to the end.

When writing for NaNoWriMo, you're encouraged to just go for it. Start however you want. Don't try and detail your character down to their brothers daughters sons wife, don't worry too much about consistancy or plot twists. Just start writing and go with it. Don't even go back and edit yourself. In the words of some previous years writers, December is for editing; November is for getting the juices flowing.

So, if you love writing, drop by the site, register, and get yourself going. As of this going up, you'll have 2.9 days to prepare yourself. Don't fret, as I often find I do my best work when utterly unprepared. Check it out.

Oh, another thing I forgot is that each author writing for NaNoWriMo has a profile which you can follow and check up on their progress as they go along. I'll link my profile up there so anyone who is interested can keep up to speed with how I'm doing.

My NaNoWriMo Profile

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