Wednesday 8 October 2008

An Interlude Of Awesome

Alright, so, blogging isn't really a strong spot of mine. I think that's pretty obvious right now. For any who have attempted to stay tuned for my little Wrath of the Lich King beta thing, I so still plan to do it. It will be filled with pictures, and hopefully be awesome.

But, onto the real reason I wished to update for today. I came across an incredible video, and I just had to share it. Violins; one of the most amazing sounding instruments, in that its ability to set tone and shape a mood in any musical piece is extrodinary. I've attempted to play one myself, and it's difficult enough just to get a string of notes that sound decent without having that horrible scratching sound come out. So it goes to say, someone who can play violin is talented and is well deserving of any praise they receive for their skill. Even more so when they bring the instrument to modern music.

Enter this video, an exceptional combination of a classical instrument and modern music. It's definatley worth a watch, and it's a pity this guy doesn't have a personal site (that I know of) to which I could link you all. It took me a minute or so to work out the first of the two songs he plays, mainly because I didn't know the song from its name. Check it out, it's worth it!

MJ Violin (via CollegeHumor)

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