Wednesday 9 July 2008

Bubblewrap Calendar

Discovering things like this is the embodiment of why I truly love the internet. Where else can someone combine practicality with pure awesome? Behold the bubblewrap calendar.

Everyone loves getting a package wrapped in the stuff, just for the love of popping it all at the end. You can't deny it. I was shocked and a little disgusted when one of my housemates went to throw out a whole unused roll of the stuff, unpopped. Rightfully I took it upon myself to pop every last bubble before discarding it, and heck it felt good. Now, with the bubblewrap calendar, you can enjoy popping all year round, whether you're tied to a schedule or not.

Just be careful not to pop it all in one sitting, or the following 364 days will be terribly boring.

Bubblewrap Calendar (via Gizmodo)

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